Hellenic Research in Mathematics and Informatics '92

Proceedings of the First Hellenic Conference on Mathematics and Informatics

Είδος Έκδοσης: 
Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων
Proceedings of the First Hellenic Conference on Mathematics and Informatics

For the two - days, September 25-26, 1992, at the Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, over 150 scientists attended the first Hellenic Conference on Mathematics and Informatics (HERMIS '92). The Conference was jointly organized by the Hellenic Mathematical Society and the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business. The main theme within the HERMIS '92 Conference was Computer Mathematics, with special emphasis on Computational Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics, and Mathematics in Economic Science. Several other related topics were also included in the Programme that will make the Conference of interest to a wide audience of Mathematicians, Computer Scientists, Economists and many others who wish to become acquainted with the underlying basic ideas and the potential applications of its subjects.

Elias A. Lipitakis


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