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Editorial board
Advisory Board
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Issues Archive
Editor in Chief: Kolountzakis M.
Algebra - Discrete Mathematics - Number Theory
Beligiannis A., Coordinator
Charalambous H.
Kontogeorgis A.
Kouvidakis A.
Papasoglu P.
Tzermias P.
Geometry - Topology
Arvanitoyeorgos A.
Kechagias N.
Lambropoulou S.
Prasidis S., Coordinator
Tsapogas G.
Vlachos Th.
Mathematical Analysis
Betsakos D.
Frantzikinakis N.
Giannopoulos A., Coordinator
Kanellopoulos V.
Kolountzakis M.
Applied Mathematics - Partial Differential Equations - Numerical Analysis
Alexakis S.
Barbatis G.
Dafermos M.
Filippas S.
Tertikas A., Coordinator
Tsogka Ch.
Zouraris G.
Probability - Statistics - Operations Research
Beskos A.
Bournetas A.
Cheliotis D.
Dellaportas P.
Kontoyannis I., Coordinator
Koukouvinos Ch.
Loulakis M.
Papaspiliopoulos O.
Mathematical Logic - Theory of Computation - Algorithms on Discrete Structures
Achlioptas D.
Kirousis L., Coordinator
Thilikos D.
Zaroliagis Ch.
The Advisory Board includes at least the following Mathematicians and is currently expanding.
Name | Institution |
Alikakos, Nicholas | University of Athens |
Antoniou, Ioannis | University of Thessaloniki |
Argyros, Spiros | National Technical University of Athens |
Katavolos, Aristides | University of Athens |
Moschovakis, Yannis | UC Los Angeles |
Papadimitriou, Christos | UC Berkeley |
Papanicolaou, George | Stanford University |
Pappas Georgios | Michigan State University |
Politis, Dimitris | UC San Diego |
Rassias, Themistocles | National Technical University of Athens |
Tamvakis, Harry | University of Maryland |
The Bulletin publishes papers in English and only in exceptional cases in other languages. The papers must not be already published (or be under consideration for publication) elsewhere.
Submitted papers must contain a small abstract without numerical references to the bibliography.
The papers are to be submitted in PDF format to the email address:
If there are accompanying files to be submitted, then all files should be submitted in a single zip file.
For a paper to be accepted it must be approved by the committee of all subject coordinators.
After a paper has been accepted for publication the author should send the necessary files for the reproduction of the paper. We strongly suggest that the paper be written in LATEX source code. If there is more than one file then these files should be sent in a single zip file.
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